Hopkins Longworth Executive Search

Immigration policy post Brexit needs to meet business needs

The importance of the new immigration system is critical as the UK's flexible labour market is of huge benefit to our economy and any changes that will effect this will have major impact on the British economy. Much of this impact is being felt already.

A leaked draft paper has highlighted these concerns and re-enforced the need for evidence based system which meets the needs for 'low skilled' workers as shared in recent REC reports on 'Building the post-Brexit immigration system' which is an analysis of shortages, scenarios and choices and their 'Managing Migration in a way that supports labour market success' both published in June 2017.

'In all meetings with clients currently the impact of net migration is a major discussion point. Our clients are already feeling the negative impacts of Brexit with many of their employees already leaving their jobs and the UK and returning to their home country. Those EU workers that remain admit they that are left feeling 'unwelcome' to a degree and considering their future options which will generally mean a migration out of UK. Therefore businesses have major issues of engagement, staff turnover and ultimately recruitment for critical customer facing roles from a diminishing pool of candidates to address', commented Sarah Hopkins, Director HopkinsLongworth Executive Search.

As members of REC we are keen to see these issues addressed positively. For more details on the REC approach and activity please click through here

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