HopkinsLongworth is Six Years Old! Reflections from Sarah Hopkins, in Corona Lockdown
Six Years of HopkinsLongworth - a time to reflect.....
Not quite how I thought I would be celebrating our business anniversary but I appreciate six years is certainly something to be proud of and to acknowledge.
However the environment we find ourselves in is challenging to say the least and does not make one feel it is appropriate to celebrate in any way - unless it is for our wonderful NHS and essential services.
So instead I thought I would reflect and share my thoughts with you.
My main concern is that our loyal clients, candidates, friends and family stay safe and healthy in these troubled times and that we can plan for the future and look forward to meeting up again face to face 'on the other side'.
We have all faced adversity before, but nothing like this pandemic which is invisible and invasive to all areas of our lives.
Let's hope and pray we are able to get it under control and we can focus on rebuilding our businesses and moving ahead.
Interestingly we have slowed down but as we have a remote, flexible model we have been able to have a level of continuity and 'Business As Usual' which has been most welcome.
Lockdown has had a major impact and I have enjoyed the precious time to do some simple things which normally I am 'too busy' to do. It has been a luxury to have time at home with my family but it has also made me more thankful for my business, working with the wonderful Jane Longworth, and having a purpose to life.
My five lessons from lockdown, so far, are:-
1. Precious time to slow down has been a luxury and a joy in so many ways
2. I do love my job - I need to work - mentally as well as financially
3. I don't pay my cleaner enough
4. The kindness of people has been overwhelming - the selfish idiocy of others unbelievable
5. We will celebrate seven years of HopkinsLongworth in style!
Take good care and stay safe,
Warmest wishes, Sarah Hopkins
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